Henrietta needed a break

We invited Henrietta Audu to LodgedOut, a three-day event in the woods, where people turn off their phones.

Valgeir Valdimarsson


Lodged Out retreats are unplugged outdoorsy events that bring together “makers, doers, adventurers, entrepreneurs and more.” They take place in the woods, far away from the hustle and bustle. Karli and Jenny from our SF office went there last year and couldn’t stop talking about it. So this year we decided to sponsor someone who otherwise might not have had the chance to attend. Say hello to Henrietta Audu.

Henrietta Audu at this year’s LodgedOut in Leavenworth, WA from February 26th to March 1st. Photo Alycia Lovell.

Ueno: Hey there Henrietta. How was it?

Henrietta: Hi! It was great.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Well, I am originally from Jos, Nigeria, but I have lived in New York City for the past five years now. I am an interdisciplinary artist and I enjoy creating textiles, working with fibers, and thinking about how items of clothing impact our everyday lives. I currently write a blog called Overdressed where I interview individuals with fascinating personal styles about their dress practices. I hope to start some new projects soon!

Why were you interested in going to Lodged Out?

I saw it as an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone. I never leave New York! So, when my friend shared that Ueno was sponsoring one person to go, I excitedly applied and felt even more excited when I got it! The camp was meant to provide an environment for creative people to connect in the mountains without any cell service or phone reception and it sounded like something I needed.

Did you meet any cool people?

Yes, so many.

For example?

Tatiana Olivieri, a women’s mentor and Head of Media and Entertainment at Tumblr, gave a talk the second night of the retreat. I took her message back with me — basically, reminding us not to overthink and overplan in our over-digitized world, and to cherish what is directly in front of us. Also, it was rewarding to hear how Bobbilee Hartland, the founder of LodgedOut, took a risk by planning a retreat like this. It’s something she was deeply passionate about and hearing her story was very inspiring! And there were so many awkward introductions that reminded me how special it is to meet someone in real life, rather than on the internet.

What was it like, being unplugged for three days?

It was actually not terrible. Yes, not being able to contact my loved ones was a bit daunting at first, but after a while, being able to talk to other people, read, and engage in snow activities — all without the internet — it all resulted in so many meaningful moments.

Any big takeaways?

Turn off your phone every once in a while and try not to think about it.

Advice for people thinking about taking part in the next LodgedOut?

Bring proper shoes. And a notebook.

Curiouser and curiouser? Read all about LodgedOut, check out Henrietta’s blog and her Instagram. Also, check out Bueno, maybe? Oh, and sign up for our newsletter.




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A real person who is still alive and not trying to sell you anything. Words and things at Ueno.